2022 End Of Year Thoughts and Recap

::Big inhaling cleansing sigh:: Wow, what a year. I somehow felt like I was in a stasis pod where nothing was happening and yet at the same time, if you look at it, everything was happening and there was just so much going on! It was quite a year for me and Master Pravus both and I feel like we definitely ended the year so much better than we started. That’s something I haven’t been able to say in quite a long time. Would you like to tromp through the year with me? Well, come along:

We were completely homeless and had to move into a hotel for a while. Very soon after moving in, I had a severe feeding tube displacement, and sorting it out became a serious challenge. We were house-hunting, and we even got the good news that the house we wanted was ours! Meanwhile, substantial problems continued to ensue with my J tube.

In February they fixed my tube. Kinda. We also moved into the new house! Huzzah! That was rough, because it was the middle of winter and our furnace was DOA. We did get that fixed and started the fight to get our things back!

March didn’t have a lot going on, but it did see us getting a lot of set-up work done in the dungeon.

I spent April pretty sick again. However, we had a plan to fix it so I tried to be good and just hang in there.

In May, things were so bad I was starting to get really frustrated about it. I showed up at surgery and they had to cancel because they didn’t have the right part. Then they sent me to IR who completely made everything ten times worse.

June brought me more waiting. It was a rough month. I did manage to make a vlog about the house though!

I was referred to someone who supposedly specialized in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. But it went. You know. ::Shrugs:: July amounted to more waiting.

I had to start wearing diapers medically, temporarily. But once I did we were able to go to the beach a little.

My tube upsize did not work. So, I finally had a surgical consult with someone who planned to actually perform my surgery. Golly fucking gee!

My surgery happened, but it went really badly. In the middle of healing from my surgery I had a tooth removed! Spleesh.

In November, not a lot was going on because I was still healing quite a bit. I decided to start a new walking challenge though.

Which, brings us to now! I finally was able to make a video about my surgery and the end of the year, which was tough for me. See it here. And we had another vlog with a silly adventure in it, but also The Ghost of Christmas Past visited Master Pravus!
I’ve been up and around more this December. I haven’t blogged much yet though. I do admit I’m trying to get back into the flow of everything but I expect to be around more. I hope so. Sometimes I get upset about what I did or didn’t accomplish this year- I feel like I didn’t unpack enough, or the house isn’t set up enough or this or that or whatever! And looking at our entire year together like this: We were homeless for a couple months! We bought a house together! We had to deal with surgeries without anywhere to really live! I dealt with a malfunctioning tube that was absolutely crippling for me for about eight solid months of this year. Eight. Three quarters! But, I have better resources on where to go and what to do about it now so that (I hope) doesn’t happen again.
I did it. I made it through to the other side of this year. I’m going into another year and I have no idea how good or bad it will be but I will just take each day as they come and do my best with each, as I always have. Thank you for sticking with me through this.