Day Zero Project Goals: Current

  • 1: Have at least one clip in each (A-Z) category in my (xxx) Clips4Sale store. (Remaining categories: G, I, J, Q, U, V, X, Y, Z)
  • 2: Make a snow pig, or a snow fairy (depending on snow consistency)
  • 3: Travel to Rivendell (458 miles)
  • 4: Travel to Lothlorien (462 miles)
  • 5: Travel to Rauros (389 Miles)
  • 6: Travel to Mt Doom (470 miles)
  • 7: Try a tea I’ve never tried before
  • 8: Visit the Forest Hills Cemetery
  • 9: Get a new succulent and keep it alive for a year 12-7-2023
  • 10: Reach 100 calf raises in a row on the stairs
  • 11: Paint Spool Holder
  • 12: Learn how to say “I Love You” in three new different languages
  • 13: Make and install a little library
  • 14: Stand in ballet boots without leaning on anything for support for 1 minute
  • 15: Walk on the Johnny Appleseed trail
  • 16: Cum three times in one day
  • 17: Replace the massage table
  • 18: Finish setting up Library
  • 19: Finish setting up living room
  • 20: Finish setting up foyer
  • 21: Finish setting up green room
  • 22: Finish setting up Dongalor’s Room
  • 23: Finish Setting up the Kitchen
  • 24: Finish setting up Master Pravus’ office
  • 25: Finish setting up Master Pravus’ hobby room
  • 26: Get aquarium set up
  • 27: Hang up all the pictures
  • 28: Finish unpacking the house
  • 29: Get to 5K steps per day
  • 30: Get ALL my protein supplements In for just ONE day
  • 31: Take all my vitamins everyday for a week
  • 32: Put $1 aside for every goal I complete and when I finish my list, tip this money to a content creator I am not mutuals with and have never spoken to.
  • 33: Paint a picture of Griswald
  • 34: Take Dongalor to get Professionally Groomed
  • 35: Walk unassisted down our hallway (2nd floor by studio) in ballet boots
  • 36: Make gummy bears from scratch
  • 37: Leave an inspirational note in a book for someone to find
  • 38: Work on calligraphy (or handwriting if I’m out of ink cartridges) once per week for a year
  • 39: Fix the ceiling in Master Pravus’ room
  • 40: Repierce my septum IF COVID numbers become safe to do so by the end of this challenge. If they don’t, add $50 to the donation pile for when the list is completed.
  • 41: Learn five new boot lace ties
  • 42: Go to Sturbridge Village and find the family donations
  • 43: Go to a drive through Zoo/event
  • 44: Put curtains in all the windows
  • 45: Try whittling
  • 46: Get a new red vinyl outfit and have a date night
  • 47: Get my (xxx) Clips4Sale store to 275 or more clips total
  • 48: Play any board games that haven’t been played from the collection
  • 49: Go fishing
  • 50: Make homemade ice cream for Master Pravus the way I did as a kid growing up
  • 51: Get a pair of heels with Marabou on the toes
  • 52: Grow Oregano
  • 53: Decorate the porch
  • 54: Make a pattern that I drafted, set aside, and forgot about
  • 55: Bring Master Pravus to a corn maze
  • 56: Make a cosplay costume from scratch
  • 57: Finish ONE adult Connect The Dot picture
  • 58: Buy a piece of art
  • 59: Draw on ALL the outside stairs in chalk
  • 60: Plant something in the porch box
  • 61: Go on a hike in the Blue Hills
  • 62: Add a “Yearly Book List” to the blog
  • 63: Finish making my “Red Vinyl Kitty” Onesie
  • 64: Remove all custom and cosplay work from my Mewtique
  • 65: Work my way back to lifting 5LB weights
  • 66: Sleep in my (xxx) cage overnight
  • 67: Bring Master Pravus to Make Way For Ducklings and get his picture with a duck
  • 68: Go to The Escape Room
  • 69: Stay at the Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast
  • 70: Finish reading a book I started and never finished
  • 71: Visit the whaling museum in Nantasket
  • 72: Find a new recipe that I can make Master Pravus that is healthy for his medical conditions and he enjoys 🙂
  • 73: Visit Mt Greylock
  • 74: Find the perfect red leaf on a foliage walk and then frame the leaf
  • 75: Play mini golf
  • 76: Build a sand castle with Master Pravus
  • 77: Solve a 1,000 piece puzzle (must be Elder Scrolls Themed) and then frame it and put it up on the wall
  • 78: Buy my first leather dress
  • 79: Become proficient enough in Civilization 6 to win a domination, economic, cultural, and technology victory
  • 80: Get back to weekly clip site uploads
  • 81: Make a list of 100 reasons why I love Master Pravus
  • 82: Finish crocheting Master Pravus’ blanket
  • 83: Make a “Pack Guar” outfit for Steggie
  • 84:  Get up no later than 10AM everyday for a month
  • 85: Paint my bum to look like a pumpkin
  • 86: Learn a Waltz so I can dance with Master Pravus
  • 87: Hit 10,000 steps in one day, one time
  • 88: Watch all Pokemon until Ash becomes Pokemon Master
  • 89: Visit Baphomet Statue
  • 90: Make Mead
  • 91: Film a new outdoor human ashtray clip
  • 92: Make Button Dress
  • 93: Construct the pony walker
  • 94: Make my own bootblack stand
  • 95: Walk up and down the stairs (indoors) once in heels
  • 96: Complete an entire coloring book cover to cover
  • 97: Reopen my Mewtique
  • 98: Alphabetize the video games
  • 99: Make my (Aff) Avenger Suit
  • 100: Go Pumpkin Picking

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Originally posted November 10, 2022

Goal End Date will be August 7, 2025

Date Actually Completed: