Purge and Pare

We’ve finally done it! We called a realtor. XD

Game on!

We called her on Friday and she said she’d be out on Sunday evening. Nice. We finally felt we got enough stuff out of our house that we could put the house up for sale, we thought. We were using the houses that we looked at when we were buying this one as a sort of guide. It took us so long because Master Pravus works during the day, and I’m disabled so I don’t have the same stamina. I can’t spend eight hours a day doing heavy lifting. Even if I could- I can only lift three pounds. XD

Anyway. We’ve been packing most of everything we own up and bringing it down to a storage facility in the meanwhile. It has been a ton of work, but it has been for a good goal and the storage facility is nearly full! I can’t believe how close we are to filling it.

So the realtor was really nice, we like her- but one thing she did do is she left us with a list of things we need to do before we can put the house up for showing. It’s a page long, and it’s labor intensive and has a bunch of things we didn’t think about. On top of that she also said on the way out the door:

“Oh, and even though sellers hate doing this, you have to start purging and paring down your things so that when sellers come in they can see your home.”


Ugh. Looking around, we thought we had gotten rid of a lot of things but she’s talking about furniture now, not just stuff. And we have to empty pantry cabinets out too. It’s just. A lot. I mean, it makes some sense, but it’s- overwhelming to think about. I don’t remember any of the pantry cupboards being empty when we were looking at houses, except maybe places that were flipped or bank owned!

Moving when you’re in an apartment is so easy but moving when you’re selling your house is such a huge pain in the ass. It’s just a little on the discouraging side when you’ve been working on something for six months and then someone tells you to.. Y’know… Start working. ::cry::

Monday came and though I haven’t blogged about this yet: Master Pravus has started a new job! This is a contract too, but he switched to it because it’ll be longer than the old contract and it’s a 100% remote position. So they won’t need him to drive anywhere to do this job at any point, which is actually really handy for two reasons:

  1. We’re moving. So he can spend lunch breaks helping me pack.
  2. When we move, he doesn’t have to actually be located in any particular place, he’ll be able to take this job with him when we move.

We had already talked over which pieces of furniture we planned to bring with us and which ones we planned to leave behind recently, so we’re going to work on getting rid of the ones we’re working on getting rid of ASAP. In a couple of days we’re going to have a stager come by and take pictures in our house and let us know which pieces they want us to get rid of too, so we can drop those off at storage.

Then we have some minor yard work to do, and then we can hopefully get the house listed. After we list the house, selling will be cake. ::Fingers crossed:: The market is fabulous here. We just need to dot a couple i’s first. In the meantime, back to paring down anything we can before the stager arrives and putting everything in sight into a box.

I’m tired just thinking about it, honestly.

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